The Story
life. love. beer.
As we have chased our quest of developing a unique brand of beers for a unique community, these three words have come to mean more to us than anything else. We have a true passion for the craft that has led us to discover new relationships, ideas, philosophies, and a sense of community. We are but tiny fragments of the relationships we've held, bonded by the joy of life, love, and beer.
In our journey, we long to share our venture of beer with the dedicated, the energetic, the adventurers, and those fanatics of beer to develop a style as exceptional as Chattanooga.
For the life, love, and happiness of beer.
Jake Raulston

why moonpie®?
love and chocolate stouts
Before Jake and Liz jumped in to start Naked River, Jake brewed a special batch of beer for their wedding. This batch of beer went on to be produced on the big scale as what we now know as the beloved Chocolate Moonpie® Stout.
The Building
The Foundry

The foundry building next to the First Tennessee Pavilion is believed to be one of the oldest buildings in Chattanooga, built around 1875 by the Wasson Car Works, a manufacturing company that built railway cars in Chattanooga from 1873-1885.
The company employed 250 workers and could manufacture eight freight cars and 64 car wheels per day. Wasson built open trolley cars for the first Incline to Point Park. The site was purchased by the Ross Meehan Foundry in 1889 and operated continuously until 1986.
In 2017 the building was put out to bid by cornerstones historic preservation. We stepped up to the challenge to convert the trolley car factory into a 11,000 sqft indoor-outdoor brewery bringing good beer and good food to the good people of Chattanooga.